Chapter 3


(やっぱりレッスンのようにはいかないなぁ~)(As expected, that wasn't like a lesson at all, eh...)

(凄く緊張しちゃった・・・)(I got really nervous...)

Suzuki Kanon

初ライブどうだった!?How was your first live!?


あっ鈴木さん! お疲れ様でした!Ah, Suzuki! Good job today!

間違えないことに必死で・・・すごく緊張しちゃいました。I was desperate trying not to make mistakes... And got really nervous.

うまく出来ていたか不安で不安で・・・。I was really worried about whether I could actually do it or not...

みんなに楽しんで貰えたのかどうか・・・。Whether all fans were really enjoying it or not...

Suzuki Kanon

う~ん、みんな最初は緊張するもんだよ!Yep, everyone is really nervous on their first live!

私なんか今でも緊張しっぱなし!Even I still get nervous now!


先輩たちもライブは緊張するんですか?A senior also gets nervous at lives?

あんなにみんなを盛り上げているのに。Even though you get so worked up like that.

Suzuki Kanon

うん。私だけじゃなく、メンバーのみんなも緊張してると思うよ!Yes. And it's not only me, I think all the other members get really nervous too!


そうなんですね・・・。Is that so...

もっともっと練習しないと・・・。I have to practice even more...

Sato Masaki



佐藤さん、お疲れ様です。Sato, good job today!

Sato Masaki

いや~今日のライブはポクポクした!Not at all! I was just really cautious in today's live!

新人ちゃんも頑張ってたもんね!You gave your best too, rookie!

Oda Sakura

お疲れ様でーす。Good job, everyone.

今日のライブも緊張したー!I was nervous in today's live too!


小田さん! お疲れ様です。Oda! Good job.

やっぱり小田さんも緊張するんですね!I guess you were nervous too, eh!

Oda Sakura

でも、今日のサプライズはすごく盛り上がったと思いますよ!But I think today's surprise really livened things up!

ファンのみんなも喜んでくれたんじゃないかなー?I wonder if the fans enjoyed it as much...


ありがとうございます!Thank you!

でもすごく緊張して・・・。But I was really nervous...

まだ胸がドキドキしてます。My chest is still thumping hard.

Oda Sakura

私もまだ胸がドキドキしてる。My heart's going really fast too.

ライブ前はいつも緊張してますね。But one always get that excited before a live, right?


ドキドキが楽しめるように、私も頑張ります!I will work really hard so I can enjoy this anxiety too!

Sato Masaki

そうだよ! ポクポクを楽しもう!That's right! Let's enjoy being very cautious!

Oda Sakura

うん、ファンのみんなをポクポクさせるライブをしていきましょう!Yes, let's give the fans a very cautiously done live!



Sato Masaki

よーし、次のライブはもっともっとポクポクさせるぞー!Alright, the next live we will be even much more cautious!


(先輩たちもいつも努力してるんだ)(My seniors are always doing such a great effort.)

(私も今まで以上に頑張らないと!)(I will also work even harder from now!)