Chapter 12



(私、可愛くなれるのかな)(I wonder if I can become cute.)

Takeuchi Akari

お疲れー!Good job!

今日は撮影?Do you have a shooting today?


朱莉さん!お疲れ様です。Akari! Good job!

ホームページに載せる写真を撮って貰うんですけど、They will be taking some pictures of me for the website,

私あまりメイクとかしないもので・・・。but I haven't done my make up yet.

可愛くなれるのかな~って思うと少し心配なんです。I'm a little worried thinking if I can become cute.

Takeuchi Akari

そんなことで悩んでるの!?You're worried by something like that!?

大丈夫! 大丈夫!Have no fear! It's all right!

Katsuta Rina

どうしたの?What's wrong?

難しい顔しちゃって。You have some troubled face.


勝田さん! お疲れ様です。Katsuta! Good job.

実は・・・。To tell you the truth...

Takeuchi Akari

なんか可愛くなれるかで悩んでるみたい。It looks like she's worried about not being able to become cute.

今「大丈夫だよ」って話していたとこなの。I've just been telling her now "everything's fine!"

Katsuta Rina

そんなことで~!?Is that so!?


そんなこと、じゃないですよ~。Is not that...!

Katsuta Rina

でも写真撮る前からそんな顔していたら、But if you have such a face before the shooting,

可愛い顔も可愛くなくなるんじゃない?even with a cute face won't you become ugly?

Takeuchi Akari

そうそう!Right, right!

もっと自信持てばいいのにね!You should have more self-confidence!


う~ん。そんなものですか?Yeah. Is it like that?

Katsuta Rina

そんなものだよ。It's like that.

Takeuchi Akari

外見だけじゃなくて、内面から出る可愛さ!It's not just your outward appearance, cuteness comes from your inside!


内面から出る可愛さ、ですか。Cuteness comes from your inside...

Takeuchi Akari

そう。ピカピカ輝く新人の初々しさ。Yep. The innocence that shines brightly in a newcomer.

色んな魅力があなたにはあるはずだよ。You surely must have various kinds of appeal.


少し自信が出てきました。My self-confidence increased a little.

Takeuchi Akari

もっともっと自分を出して!Increase it even more by yourself!

あなたもきっと輝けるはずだよ!You will definitively shine!


はい! ありがとうございます!Yes! Thank you very much!

(もっともっと自分を磨いて行かなきゃ!)(I have to polish myself even more!)