Chapter 16


(今日も会場はお客さんでいっぱい)(Today's venue is also full of people.)

(やっぱりライブ直前はドキドキしちゃう!)(As expected, I got so nervous just before the live!)

Ikuta Erina

どうしたの? そんな難しい顔して。What's wrong? Such a serious face.


生田さん! 今日はよろしくお願いします。Ikuta! I look forward working with you today.

会場を見たらお客さんでいっぱいでドキドキしてきちゃって・・・。I took a look at the venue and the audience was full, so I got really nervous...

は~失敗したらどうしよう~~~!Hah... What should I do if I make a mistake!

Ikuta Erina

ふっ、ふふふ。Ha-. Ha ha ha.

私の目標に一歩近付くわけね・・・。Today I'll get one step closer to my goal...

ふふっ。Ha ha.



生田さんの目標って何ですか?What's your goal, Ikuta?

Ikuta Erina

聞きたい?Do you want to know?


イヤ、内緒なら無理には。No, if it's a secret, you can't say it.

Ikuta Erina

聞きたいの?But do you want to know?

どうしても聞きたい?Do you want to know anyway?


(これはもしかしたら聞かないといけない空気?)(Maybe this atmosphere will keep around until I listen to it?)

す、すっごーーーく知りたいです!I-I reaaaaally want to know!

是非、教えてください! 生田さんの目標!Please, tell me what is your goal!

Ikuta Erina

私の目標は~、My goal is...

世界一の~~~。To be the world's number one...


アイドルでしょ!Idol, right!


あっ! 飯窪さん、お疲れ様です。Ah! Iikubo, good job.

Ikuta Erina

なんで、一番大事なところを言っちゃうかな~!Why did you say the most important part!

そう! 私の目標は世界一のアイドルになること!Right! My goal is to become the best idol in the world!


すご~い! 本当にすごいですよ。Amazing! It's really amazing.

Ikuta Erina

だから、会場がいっぱいだとすごくワクワクする!That's why if the venue is full I get excited!

よし、目指せ世界一のアイドル!!!Alright, to become the best idol in the world!

Iikubo Haruna

そういうとこ、ほんとすごいな~!That's amazing, indeed!

私もすごくワクワクしてきた~!I'm truly excited now too!


私もなんだかドキドキがワクワクに変わってきました!Me too, somehow I changed from being nervous to being excited!

生田さん、飯窪さん、ありがとうございます!Ikuta and Iikubo, thank you very much!

Iikubo Haruna

よし今日は一緒に頑張ろう!Great, today let's give our best together!


ハイ! 頑張ります!Yes! I'll do my best!